OpenAlex: 2024 in Review

As 2024 comes to a close, we’re taking the opportunity to reflect on the year behind us. And what a year it has been for OpenAlex!

It’s hard to believe that it was only one year ago when we launched the Beta of our web interface and the first University, The Sorbonne, announced that they were replacing their proprietary database with OpenAlex. 

Since then the team has worked hard to meet the evolving needs of our communities of users. Below are some of the highlights of 2024.


  • We received a 5-year grant from Arcadia totalling $7.5M to establish OpenAlex as a sustainably open index of the global research ecosystem
  • We received a 2-year grant from the Navigation Fund totaling $688k to enhance the OpenAlex user interface
  • We hired a Chief Operating Officer (Kyle Demes) and Senior Frontend Developer (Brett Lockspeiser)
  • Our Premium subscriptions exceeded our first year’s sustainability target by 25%


  • We started parsing fulltext PDFs to add more affiliation and reference metadata
  • We started matching references without DOIs (we now have 2.5B citations)
  • We added HAL as a primary source for new works
  • We started ingesting DataCite as a primary source. We now have 6.4M DataCite records (we’ll have them all in a few months)
  • We enhanced metadata accuracy for work type, publication year, author, institution, source, open access status, and more
  • Our data was adopted by three major University rankings:
  • Our data was featured in a Science News article examining the sustainability of APC feeds paid by researchers


  • We launched our Beta User Interface
  • We launched a new aboutness classification system (topics → subfields → fields → domains)
  • We launched new normalized citation metrics (field-weighted citation impact and citation percentiles) to facilitate comparison across fields and years.
  • We introduced user curation for affiliation, author, source, and work-level metadata and have already received more than 10k requests
  • We expanded our offerings of paid services to help us get to sustainability faster
  • We laid the foundation for an exciting new analytics product we’re looking forward to showing off early next year

Community (you):

  • Monthly users of have grown from 28k at the beginning of the year to 78k, now representing 440k visits per month!
  • Our first OpenAlex User Meeting was a huge success with 27 presentations from OpenAlex users in diverse organizations around the world
  • We attended 9 conferences to promote OpenAlex and engage with our user community globally: Research Analytics Summit, CARA, BRIC, ICSSI, Make Data Count, LIS, STI, SRAI, The Charleston Conference and were truly humbled to see presenters and vendors at every conference using OpenAlex data!
  • We launched a YouTube channel which now has 49 videos, 736 subscribers, and almost 25,000 views!
  • Over 500 publications mention or reference OpenAlex and that number grows daily!
  • We hosted an open call for our first Community Advisory Board where 50+ stellar nominees received almost 1,400 votes from the community– stay tuned for an announcement of results in early 2025

None of this would have been possible without all of you. So thank you! For your continued support, ideas, engagement, criticism, cheerleading, and collaboration. We’re looking forward to continuing to work together to build off these successes in 2025. Until then, Happy Holidays to you and yours.


The OpenAlex Team

OurResearch receives $688k grant from Navigation Fund to enhance the OpenAlex User Interface

OurResearch is proud to announce a grant of $688,800 from The Navigation Fund to develop and launch an open, sustainable, web-based research intelligence (RI) module for the OpenAlex website. Our goal is to support expert finding, trend detection, and knowledge gap identification for researchers and research users. The RI module will serve as a map of the research landscape that’s easy to use for non-technical users, powerful for technical users, and supportive in helping all users increase their technical skills.

OpenAlex is the world’s first completely open and comprehensive index of the world’s research ecosystem. For the first time, everyone in the world has unrestricted access to a graph of the research ecosystem connecting hundreds of millions of scholarly outputs from thousands of fields across the globe to 100+ million authors from 100,000+ institutions. Hundreds of academic studies have already used OpenAlex to accelerate their research and to study science itself  (link); universities and governments are adopting OpenAlex for their research intelligence needs, disrupting the established proprietary model (example); University rankings are switching to OpenAlex (example); and companies big and small around the world are using OpenAlex data to drive innovation previously not possible. 

While we are thrilled by the early success of OpenAlex, we have noticed two significant barriers that are impeding more widespread adoption of OpenAlex: (1) many people (especially decision-makers) struggle to understand the promise of OpenAlex without seeing its potential first hand and (2) even when people can imagine how OpenAlex can benefit their work, most do not have the technical resources and capacity to create the desired insights from the openly available data. 

With this grant, we have just hired a Senior Frontend Developer, starting December 2, 2024 to design and iteratively release new UI features. The expected UI enhancements will lead to better and more timely research-based outcomes in both enterprise and academia, including more productive collaborations, faster investigation of promising research fronts, and quicker time-to-market for new discoveries. Stay tuned for exciting updates to the OpenAlex web interface in 2025!

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OurResearch is a nonprofit that builds tools to help accelerate the transition to universal Open Science. Started at a hackathon in 2011, they remain committed to creating open, sustainable research infrastructure that solves real-world problems, like Unpaywall, Unsub, and OpenAlex.

The Navigation Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization seeking to advance bold solutions to the world’s most urgent problems. 

OurResearch receives $7.5M grant from Arcadia to establish OpenAlex, a milestone development for Open Science

OurResearch is proud to announce a $7.5M grant from Arcadia, to establish a sustainable and completely open index of the world’s research ecosystem. With this 5-year grant, OurResearch expands their open science ambitions to replace paywalled knowledge graphs with OpenAlex.

Researchers, funders, and organizations around the world rely on scientific knowledge graphs to find, perform, and manage their research. For decades, only paywalled proprietary systems have provided this information and they have become unaffordable (costing libraries $1B annually); uninclusive (systematically excluding works from some fields and geographies); and unavailable (even paid subscribers are limited in their use of the data).

OpenAlex indexes more than twice as many scholarly works as the leading proprietary products and the entirety of the knowledge graph and its source code are openly licensed and freely available through data snapshots, an easy to use API, and a nascent user interface.

OurResearch has a decade of sustained experience developing tools that advance open science. Funds from Arcadia will fuel the development needed to establish OpenAlex as the go-to scientific knowledge graph for researchers and organizations around the world. Long-term sustainability of OpenAlex will be achieved through value-add premium services.

Development of OpenAlex started only two years ago and it already serves 115M API calls per month; underlies a major university ranking; is displacing proprietary products at Universities; and has established partnerships with national governments. We are excited by these early successes of OpenAlex and its promise to revolutionize scholarly communication and democratize the world’s research.

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OurResearch is a nonprofit that builds tools to help accelerate the transition to universal Open Science. Started at a hackathon in 2011, they remain committed to creating open, sustainable research infrastructure that solves real-world problems, like Unpaywall and Unsub.

Arcadia is a charitable foundation that works to protect nature, preserve cultural heritage and promote open access to knowledge. Since 2002 Arcadia has awarded more than $1 billion to organizations around the world.

Coverage in the Financial Times of OpenAlex and the Sorbonne

The Financial Times recently published an article detailing Sorbonne University’s “radical decision” to switch to OpenAlex for its publication database and bibliometric analytics. The article (behind a paywall, unfortunately 😞) came out a little while ago, but we wanted to highlight it here in case you missed it.

The news comes in the context of “a wider pushback against the current model in academic publishing, where researchers publish and review papers for free but have to buy expensive subscriptions to the journals in which they are published to analyse data relating to their work.” It includes a quote from OurResearch/OpenAlex co-founder and CEO Jason Priem: “We felt there’s a mismatch between the values of the academy and the shareholder boardroom. Research is fundamentally about sharing, while for-profits are fundamentally about capturing and enclosing. We aim to create and sustain research infrastructure that’s truly aligned with . . . the values of the research community.”

Exciting times for OpenAlex and open science!

Jack, Andrew. “Sorbonne’s Embrace of Free Research Platform Shakes up Academic Publishing.” Financial Times, December 27, 2023.

Sorbonne University announces switch to OpenAlex

We at OpenAlex are thrilled at Sorbonne University’s recent announcement that they will be switching to OpenAlex for their publication database and bibliometric analytics, abandoning the use of proprietary products! The Sorbonne, a leading French university, made their announcement in a recent post (click here for the English version; click here for the French version). Starting in 2024, they will be ending their subscription to Web of Science and Clarivate’s bibliometric tools. They will instead be adopting “open, free and participatory tools, and [they are] now working on the consolidation of a sustainable and international alternative, relying in particular on the OpenAlex tool.”

OpenAlex has been working closely with the Sorbonne to make this switch possible, and as they note, “A partnership agreement will shortly be established between Sorbonne University and OpenAlex to formalize their contributions and mutual commitments … and to bring about developments that will meet the needs of its community.” This is an extremely exciting milestone for us and for open science! We invite you all to celebrate with us 🎉🎉🎉!

Assigning Institutions — New England Journal of Medicine Case Study

The New England Journal of Medicine uses a non-standard format when presenting authors and their institutional affiliations, which is a problem when we want to keep track of these links in our data. We developed a custom algorithm to solve this problem, preserving more than a hundred thousand author-institution links.

Linking works, authors, and institutions

Part of a diagram from the OpenAlex docs, showing how authors and institutions are linked to works through authorships.
OpenAlex data has links between works, authors, and institutions.

Works, authors, and institutions are three of the basic entities in the OpenAlex data. Keeping track of the relationships between these entities is one of the core things we do. It’s important that we identify these links correctly, so they can be used for downstream tasks like university research intelligence, ranking, etc. Often, this information comes to us via structured data which is not difficult to ingest. Many times, however, the data is messy, and using it is not so straightforward.

Affiliation data in the New England Journal of Medicine

Publications from the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) are an example of this messiness. Author affiliations in these papers are presented in a format that is human-readable, but not straightforward for a computer to parse automatically. In most other journals, authors are listed alongside their affiliated institutions, and so it is relatively easy for a program to link them together. NEJM does it a different way—as shown in the screenshot of a paper from the journal’s website, institutions are listed together with the initials of the authors, which in turn correspond to the full author names at the top of the paper.

Screenshot of the affiliations of a paper from the New England Journal of Medicine's website.
Author affiliations in NEJM come in a nonstandard format that is not easy for a computer to parse.

We might hope that the structured metadata we get from Crossref would have the data in a more standard format. But alas, this isn’t the case, as shown in the screenshot of data from the Crossref API.

Screenshot of JSON data from the Crossref API
Data about the paper from the Crossref API is also in the nonstandard format.

There are around 170,000 works from this journal. This is a relatively tiny proportion of the total number of works in OpenAlex. However, NEJM is a highly influential journal in medicine, so it’s a priority that we get this right.

Custom OpenAlex solution to assign institutions to NEJM authors

OpenAlex team member Nolan created a bespoke algorithm specifically for NEJM papers to parse the affiliation strings and assign authors to institutions. This rule-based algorithm identifies the author initials that might correspond to the full names, and uses those as a mapping to get the link from institution to author, as shown in the screenshot from the OpenAlex API of the example paper from above. The full data for this work can be found at

We have been able to apply this to around 35,000 articles, amounting to 158,000 institutional affiliations. Additionally, we identified about ten thousand raw affiliation strings that we couldn’t match to an institution, but can still prove useful to our users.

The NEJM case is an example of the attention to data and extra effort that is part of the value that OpenAlex hopes to provide. The data can be messy sometimes. It’s our mission to help make sense of it, so the world can have access to high-quality, free and open data.

Screenshot of JSON data from the OpenAlex API
OpenAlex data has institutional affiliations as structured, fully linked data.

New study shows OpenAlex is a good alternative to Scopus for demographic research


  • New research from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research analyzes global migration of scholars, using bibliometric data. They do a side-by-side comparison of this analysis between Scopus and OpenAlex data.
  • Counts of scholars by country are highly correlated between Scopus and OpenAlex.
  • Migration events are less correlated between the two, but trends in migration between top pairs of countries are consistent between them. There is higher correlation with Western countries, and OpenAlex has more coverage of non-Western countries.
  • OpenAlex is open. Scopus is not. This puts limits on how researchers can perform and share this type of analysis.

A new working paper[1] from researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) uses bibliometric data to study the migration patterns of scholars between countries. Within the field of demography, there is a lack of high-quality data about human migration; so this use of scholarly publication data to infer global-scale migration of scholars is a welcome contribution. They compare the use of two sources of large-scale bibliometric data: “Elsevier’s proprietary Scopus and the openly available OpenAlex.”

The findings of the paper suggest that OpenAlex is a source of open data that shows promise as a replacement for the more established—but more restricted—Scopus data. Overall counts of scholars between countries over time have a high correlation between Scopus and OpenAlex, “with a median correlation close to 1.” The analysis of migration events between the two databases shows less correlation overall, but among the top pairs of countries, “the bilateral flows … are consistent in the two databases.” The authors go on to discuss the reason for the differences, noting that “[this] could signal a large difference in coverage of individual migration trajectories between these two databases and can also stem from the small net migration rates which fluctuate with small differences in measurement rather than population counts which are larger and small changes do not cause them to fluctuate.” In other words, while smaller scale trends may present differently between different data sources due to the nuances and idiosyncrasies of each one, the larger-scale trends are consistent.

The results also suggest that, in some cases, OpenAlex may be an even better resource than Scopus for this analysis. The authors note that the magnitude of migration flows is much larger in OpenAlex compared to Scopus, and that “this could indicate that the higher coverage of publications in OpenAlex might help discover some under-explored scholarly migration corridors worldwide.”

The paper does note some limitations of using OpenAlex as opposed to Scopus for their purposes, specifically, “the quality of the author name disambiguation and identifiers in OpenAlex needs further evaluation in future research.” Evaluating the job that OpenAlex has done assigning authors to all of their papers was outside the scope of this research, but they are able to refer to established research validating the Scopus data. We look forward to this validation on the OpenAlex data both from us and from other independent researchers. We’re also happy to say that we are continually making improvements in our author name disambiguation, so our data will be getting better and better!

Finally, there is the big difference between the two services: OpenAlex is open, while Scopus is not. The authors touch on this several times throughout the paper, both directly and indirectly. They mention that they must limit the years of their analysis, due to “our license terms for Scopus data”. In their Methods section, they describe the multiple steps they had to take to gain access to and acquire the Scopus data, while for OpenAlex, the process was much simpler: “we obtain the publicly available data and process it ourselves”. And in the Acknowledgements section, they explain that the Scopus license terms only permit sharing aggregated results, and no individual data is shared.

Overall, we are very proud that OpenAlex is being recognized as an emerging high-quality, completely open source of bibliometric data that can be used for demographic research. The lack of restrictions on our data is extremely important as it eliminates barriers that researchers face in doing their work. Please check out their paper to learn more about their work!

[1] Akbaritabar, A., Theile, T. & Zagheni, E. Global flows and rates of international migration of scholars. WP-2023-018 (2023) doi:10.4054/MPIDR-WP-2023-018.

How you can help keep OpenAlex free

Next month, we’re submitting a renewal application for our main grant. This grant helps keep OpenAlex free to you. We need your help to get the renewal. There are two ways to help:

  1. Write a short testimonial 
  2. Subscribe to our Premium service

Details below:

1. Testimonial

We need to show our funder that we’re making a real and necessary impact. Testimonials are amazing for that. Could you write us a quick testimonial? We need 5-7 sentences that answer these questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What problem is OpenAlex solving for you?
  • How did you solve it before us?
  • Why is OpenAlex a better solution?
  • What’s a concrete good outcome of using OpenAlex?
  • Would you recommend OpenAlex to others?

Here’s an (imaginary) example:

CatCademia connects academic researchers to share research ideas and cat pictures. For this we need publication lists for all users. Originally, users had to curate their own lists, which was a big pain point. Now we use OpenAlex’s open API to auto-generate users’ publication lists at signup. Upon launching this feature, we saw an immediate increase in user retention and cat-picture sharing. We highly recommend OpenAlex to anyone who needs high-quality, open scholarly data.

You can submit your testimonial here. Thanks!

2. Premium

We recently launched a paid upgrade to our service called OpenAlex Premium. Premium offers:

  • Faster updates, so you can get fresher data,
  • Higher API limits, so you can use the API more, and
  • Priority support for faster and more detailed help.

Our funder (correctly, imho) wants to see we’re on the road to self-sustainability. So, we’re asking you to take a look at Premium and see if it’s something that would help you. 

If not, no worries–we’re delighted to make most of what we do free, and we want users to enjoy that. But if it looks useful, please get in touch ASAP! We’re offering hefty early-adopter discounts to folks that sign up this month.

Thanks very much for your time and support!


The OpenAlex Team

Introducing Jason Portenoy, newest full-time team member at OpenAlex

Photo of Jason Portenoy

Hi, I’m Jason Portenoy, and I’m very happy to be joining OurResearch as the newest full-time team member! As a data engineer, I will be focusing my efforts on user engagement and outreach for OpenAlex. It is my responsibility to understand the OpenAlex dataset—its strengths and limitations—and work with the user community to improve it and make it easier to use.

I completed my PhD in Information Science at the University of Washington, studying the use of the scholarly literature as data to curate, explore, and evaluate scientific research. This field—known by various terms including scientometrics, science of science, metascience, and Big Scholarly Data—captivated me from the moment I learned about it. As the scale of scientific output continues to increase well beyond the capacity of any individual to make sense of it, the need for new tools and techniques to help becomes more and more pronounced. Working with Dr. Jevin West at the UW Datalab, I developed these tools and techniques—analyzing and visualizing scholarly data, and building recommender systems to connect scientists to new research and ideas. I extended this work through projects with Semantic Scholar, the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, and JSTOR.

While working on these tools and analyses, I came to rely on several scholarly data sets, such as Web of Science and Microsoft Academic Graph. Through my experience, I became an advocate for having high-quality, open, and accessible data for researchers and builders to use. A solid foundation of quality data will strengthen all downstream applications, from simple counts and bibliometric statistics, to advanced natural language processing and complex systems approaches.

Joining the OpenAlex team is a fantastic opportunity for me to contribute to the future of scholarly data. When Microsoft decided to end its academic service, myself and many others in the community wondered what would come next. It has become clear that OpenAlex will play a key role in the future of this field. I come to this position with technical training as a data engineer and data scientist, as well as experience with scholarly data. My goal is to work with the community of users to continually improve the OpenAlex data and experience. If there’s anything you think I might be able to help with, please let us know!

OpenAlex documentation improvements

It’s a new year and at OurResearch we’re starting off 2023 full steam ahead! We’ve revamped the OpenAlex documentation so that it’s easier to get started, and easier to find the fields and filters that are available in the OpenAlex API. It should take less “clicks” to find what you need.

Poised for growth

The major change we made was to highlight the core entities (works, authors, etc) in OpenAlex, giving them their own up-front space. OpenAlex grew considerably in 2022, not only in number records, but also by the number of ways that you can filter, group, and search scholarly data. This new approach provides more room to add and document filters. We can better describe the unique search capabilities available in each entity. Overall, it sets us up to grow again in 2023.

Our goal is to maintain friendly and approachable documentation, so hopefully we’ve kept that up as well. If you find something broken, or have some suggested improvements, let us know!