New OpenAlex API features – continents, regions, and more!

You can now use the OpenAlex API to filter and group by continents and large geographic regions, such as the Global South. The full documentation is here.

To see a list of institutions in Europe you can do:

So simple! You can group by continent as well. This will return a count of works where an author is associated with the institution’s continent:

  "key": "Q46",
  "key_display_name": "Europe",
  "count": 26968686
  "key": "Q49",
  "key_display_name": "North America",
  "count": 25175848
  "key": "Q48",
  "key_display_name": "Asia",
  "count": 24805214

The key field is the wikidata identifier for the continent, such as South America (Q18).

Querying the Global South

The Global South is a term used to identify regions within Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. We used data from the United Nations to build a list of countries associated with the Global South. It’s available as a boolean filter like:

This allows for some very cool groupings, such as “show me authors associated with the Global South, grouped by country”:

New API Filters

We’ve added new filters for works:

  • has_pmid – works that have a PubMed identifier
  • has_pmcid – works that have a PubMed Central identifier
  • repository – works that can be found at the given repository, based on venue ID
  • version – works where the given version is available, such as acceptedVersion

Concepts Improvements

As requested by OpenAlex users, we modified the concepts tree so that it is a true hierarchy. This means when you search for works with the concept Computer Science, you’re also getting works tagged with those sub-concepts, such as Artificial Intelligence

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