first total-impact summit

Heather and I (Jason) have been working pretty much nonstop on total-impact since Thursday, first at her place in Vancouver, and for the last two days in between meetings and meals with the super-smart folks behind Eigenfactor and SSRN here in Seattle. We’ve got a few things to report. 

First, we’ve reorganized our planning infrastructure to make it simpler, more agile, and more responsive to the community. If you want to add a feature, drop it in the requests gDoc. Done. We’ve also ditched all the roadmap docs in favor of a single, prioritized product backlog in this gSpreadsheet, and we’re going to be using this blog regularly to supplement our mailing list.

Second, we’re finishing up writing spec for our next release, Jean-Claude (yep, that one. Our name sounds like an action flick; why fight it). Our goal is to have, after six two-week sprints, a total-impact web app with the same functions it does now, but built on its own API, scaleable to tens of thousands of calls per day. We’re also re-writing the PHP bits in Python, to take better advantage of the large and growing community of scientist Pythonistas.

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