total-impact gets £17,000 support from OSF

total-impact has come full circle: we were born out of a hackathon thrown by the Beyond Impact project, funded by the Open Society Foundations. Now we’re being generously supported from that same Beyond Impact grant, helping us move from prototype to a reliable, scaleable service.

The budget on the grant is pretty simple: £16k goes to open-source devs Cottage Labs to help build out Jean-Claude, our next release. The other £1k flew me here to Edinburgh to work with CL for a week. There are more details in our grant application; in keeping with our radical transparency philosophy, we are posting that as a gDoc here, so you can see more specifics.

It probably goes without saying that we’re really excited about this grant…it’s a great chance to work with Cottage Labs, a great vote of confidence from Beyond Impact, and a great push toward our goal of revolutionizing the dissemination and evaluation of scholarship.

Special thanks to Cameron Neylon for his vision and leadership in setting up the original workshop, for suggesting we apply for funding, and for helping us along when we did.